Freeman House, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Masterpiece in Hollywood is Now For Sale
By Di
“Frank Lloyd Wright was the greatest American architect of all time,” said a 1991 survey by the American Institute of Architects. The brilliant and controversial architect for seventy years has designed iconic buildings, from the legendary Pennsylvania Waterfall House of 1937, to the 1952 Price Tower in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, or the Hollyhock House, the first project in Los Angeles. He was one of the pioneers of organic architecture, with exteriors and interiors in perfect balance.
“By organic architecture I mean an architecture that develops from the inside out, in harmony with the conditions of its being, distinct from architecture that is applied from the outside”. According to this philosophy, a house is similar to a living being, in which the parts and the whole are closely related, in terms of form and function. He was a Wright visionary. “Without architecture our civilization has no soul”.
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